Lesson-Up Blog


How does Lesson Up measure each student''s accountability?
Every Lesson Up lesson contains four forms of assessment.
A.  The recommendation of the instructor of record.

B.  An online eSurvey, which measures each student’s attitude toward the particular soft technical skill.  The eSurvey helps students discover their attitudes and exhibit ever-more positive attitudes.

C.  A formative online Practice eQuiz.  The test items are based on Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy of REMEMBERING, UNDERSTANDING, APPLYING, ANALYZING, EVALUATING, and SYNTHESIZING/CREATING.

D.  A summative Comprehensive Performance Examination.  The first part is online and consists of test items similar to the Practice eQuiz.  The second part is hard-copy and consists of test items requiring problem solving, synthesizing, creativity, designing, and actual demonstration of skill performance.

When a student successfully passes all the assessments, s/he is eligible to apply for credentialing from a panel of experts at the Soft Technical Skills Institute (STSI) at the-stsi.com.  This describes in detail the competency standards that the student mastered.  Credentialing includes:
> An electronic patch for the particular soft technical skill
> A personalized wallet card attesting to his/her mastery of the competency
> A job aid app for his/her smart phone

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