Lesson-Up Blog


Why the increasing need for reskilling?
In the early 1980s, futurist R. Buckminster Fuller observed that before 1900, knowledge doubled at a linear rate about every century.  By the end of WWII, knowledge doubled every 25 years.  Today, the growth in knowledge is exponential, not linear.  Knowledge and skills for today’s jobs are continuously becoming obsolete, hence the increasing need for reskilling.

Increasingly, new knowledge and skills must be learned more quickly.  Time, impact, and longevity of traditional employer-based training shrinks.  The solution lies in new training techniques based on the science of learning.  Examples include:
> Knowledge sharing within a work team.
> Just-in-time individualized content-specific learning
> Evolving internal job aids

Lesson-Up.net provides individualized learning in the soft technical skills.
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