Lesson-Up Blog


Retiring? Are you sure?
So . . . you’re retiring.  Congratulations.  Welcome to the pension life.  New-found freedom, aye?  Sounds great, doesn’t it?  No more punching the clock.  Get to see more of the grand kids.  You can go shopping or fishing any time you want.

But after you’ve cleaned the closets and garage, painted the extra bedroom, and set up a file system in the office, what then?  Will you get bored?  You’ll have about 23 years ahead of you, according to the average expectation of 2,000 adults in a 2018 TD Ameritrade’s Marriage & Family Survey.  What are you going to do?  I know – don’t tell me.  You want to make a difference.  Here are some suggestions.

First, don’t quit your job.  Keep working.  Unless you’re in a situation requiring retirement, don’t.  Most employers I know would love to keep you on.  You know what you’re doing.  All aspects of your current job can be changed.  Keep working, but you may want to change:
> The time schedule, like working fewer days or fewer hours.
> The work location, such as working from home or on a different work site. 
> Your job responsibilities, such as moving to an advisory or consulting role.
> With whom you work.  Some work environments can be toxic.  That may be the thing that’s pushing you into retirement.

Second, capitalize on your experience.  To paraphrase an old saying, "Those who are ignorant of the past, are doomed to repeat it.”  You can help your employer and co-workers to avoid making the same mistakes again.  Make a difference.  Your insight provides:
> An insider’s view from the outside.
> Perspective on solutions that failed in the past, but may now succeed due to changed conditions or changed solutions.

Third, reinvent yourself.  Be creative. Explore what you can do with your existing job.  Do more problem solving, advising, consulting, training, other.

Fourth, get a new job.  What’s on your bucket list.  Find a need and fill it.

Fifth, volunteer.  Youth need mentors.  Become one.

The lesson plan for the Employability Skills Cluster of Climbing the Career Ladder has been updated to include this information.
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