Lesson-Up Blog


What is the OODA Loop?
OODA Loop is what military pilots call the "ace factor” in successful aerial combat.  It is an SOP for situation awareness.  It is the continuous repeat or looping of the four sequential steps of Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act.   In this regard, the OODA Loop is a sequence of thinking that becomes an automatic mental habit.  Losing one’s concentration and thinking about something else is termed being "out of the loop."

This and further definition of situation awareness, especially on the job, and 20 other Key Questions are answered in the new lesson on Perception on the Job.  The entire lesson is online, including the eText, ePlan, PowerPoint, eQuiz, and eSurvey.  This one of the six lessons in the Cluster of Technical Communication.

If you are a current subscriber, the entire lesson is now available to you.  If your subscription has lapsed or you want to start a new one, simply go online to www.Lesson-Up.net, click on ORDER, and follow the prompts.
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