Lesson-Up Blog


How do you teach a positive work attitude?
A positive attitude means conveying optimism, generosity, support, and enthusiasm in your expressions, gestures, word, and tone, this according to Bruce Tulgan in his July 13, 2017 article on Teaching Positive Attitude.  He suggests the following in improving instruction on attitude.
> Visit the topic regularly.  Attitude is not an internal state of mind that is off limits.  Make a positive attitude an explicit and regular topic of discussion.
> Focus on external behaviors.  Every fast-food front-counter employee wants you to feel as if you’re their most important person.  They do that by displaying behaviors of positive attitude.
> Define and describe the behavioral habits that display a great attitude:  Words, tone of voice, gestures, and expressions.

A positive attitude is behavioral.  Describe those behaviors, teach those behaviors, reward those behaviors, require those behaviors, hold people accountable for those behaviors.  

Need help?  The Lesson-Up lesson plan on Attitude on the Job is always available on line.
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