Lesson-Up Blog


Where''s the beef?
Do you remember the TV commercial of the older woman at the fast-food counter wondering where the meat was in her sandwich?  The same question may be asked of training for soft skills.  Where’s the meat?   What do I teach?  What does the student learn?  What is the content?  How do I test this?

That’s what makes Soft Technical Skills different.  We have the meat!  We have the content?  Every Lesson-Up lesson plan contains:
> A precise and detailed description of the content
> Pertinent terms used in an occupational context
> Specifics as to application of the content in various technical occupations
> Standard operating procedures for enacting the skill on the job
> Training plans for the formation of positive work habits 
> A measure of each student’s attitude toward the particular skill
> An eQuiz with test items in all six Domains of Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy
> A Comprehensive Performance Examination for credentialing
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