Justin Time is the just-in-time training of employees to accomplish a new or unfamiliar job task. Just-in-time learning is micro-learning, the process of providing snack-sized learning for near-continuous employee development. Micro-learning, sometimes termed nano-learning, is learning in short bursts that anyone can access and master anytime.
To learn more, go to Carla Torgerson of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) (formerly known as the American Society for Training and Development) at www.td.org. She can explain their MILE MODEL of creating an in-house program of micro-learning, based on the book The Microlearning Guide to Microlearning. This includes the process of gathering resources by using the three "Cs” of curate, create and crowd-source.
To establish a program of micro-learning, you may wish to begin with training plans from Lesson-Up. These can provide a foundation for most subsequent specialized and site-specific micro-training topics.