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Jobs? What jobs? In 20 years will there even be jobs?
Machines are eating humans’ job talents, and it’s not just about repetitive and low-skills jobs.  Automation, robotics, algorithms, and artificial intelligence can do equal or sometimes better work than humans.

In a 2016 Pew Research Center survey entitled The State of American Jobs, 87% of workers believe it will be essential for them to get training and develop new job skills throughout their work life in order to keep up with changes in the workplace.

How do we get ready?  The Pew Research Center asked In the next 10 years, do you think we will see the emergence of new educational and training programs that can successfully train large numbers of workers in the skills they will need to perform the jobs of the future?

As 1,408 professionals responded, the following five themes emerged:
> 1: The training ecosystem will evolve, with a mix of innovation in all education formats.
> 2: Learners must cultivate 21st-century skills, capabilities, and attributes.
> 3: New credentialing systems will arise as self-directed learning expands.
> 4: Training and learning systems will not meet 21st-century need by 2026.
> 5: Jobs?  What jobs?  Technological forces will fundamentally change work and the economic landscape

People will create the jobs of the future, not simply train for them, and technology is already central.  It will undoubtedly play a greater role in the years ahead. – Jonathan Grudin

Learn more in the 27-page report on The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training by Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson May 3, 2017 at www.pewresearch.org

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