Lesson-Up Blog


What are better ways to communicate at work?
In her infographic, Ryann K. Ellis, editor with the Association of Talent Development, suggests 20 ways to communicate better at work.  Here are highlights:
> Be Prepared – Be clear in your point.  Have questions ready.  Build on past successes.  Begin with a "we” rather than a "me” attitude.  Keep emotions in check.
> Speak Clearly – Take deep breaths.  Be honest.  Be concise.  Use clear language.  Summarize.  Ask for a recap.
> Listen Hard – Avoid distractions.  Focus on the message.  Don’t interrupt.  Recap concisely.  Ask questions. 
> Speak with your Body – Make eye contact.  Maintain open-body language.  Smile and nod.  Don’t fidget.
See her complete infographic at www.rellis@td.org

The complete training plan on Verbal Technical Communication is available online from www.Lesson-Up.net.
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